Friday, November 29, 2019

Grade 1 French Immersion Information Sessions and Registrations

Grade 1 French Immersion Information Sessions and Registrations

Information Sessions
Information sessions for Grade 1 entry into the French Immersion (FI) program will take place at French Immersion schools that have a Grade 1 program on January 16, 2020 at 7 p.m. 
Please visit YRDSB’s website in January 2020 to find the FI program location for your elementary school location. 

FI registration will begin on January 17, 2020. Parents or guardians of Senior Kindergarten students entering Grade 1 in 2020, and wishing to enrol in the FI Program, can visit or call their home school office and request an Office Index Card - short version. This Office Index Card must be signed by the principal of the home school. Parents or guardians then take this form, along with one piece of identification showing their address to the designated FI program location to register, between January 17 and February 7, 2020.  Registration during this period is not first come, first served.

Late Registrations
Late registrations are those submitted after February 7, 2020.  Late registrations will be treated on a first- come, first-served basis and will be considered subsequent to registrations received during the registration period should overflow be necessary.

Accommodation Plan
YRDSB’s FI Accommodation Plan provides long-term consistency and equity of access to all students in York Region and will enable YRDSB to continue to offer the FI program to all who wish to enrol. The FI program will be offered in Dual Track or Single Track settings, in a variety of configurations. In order to meet community needs and optimize available space in our schools, a community's Grade 1-8 FI program may be provided over more than one school during the course of a student's FI education. Space requirements at some schools may mean that siblings are in different schools for primary dual track French Immersion programs due to differing grade structures. Like any of our schools across the Board, changes to school boundaries, and/or the accommodation model for the French Immersion program may need to be considered when new schools open, a school experiences enrolment growth, and program changes occur. This will allow flexibility in addressing community needs and the opportunity to use existing space in schools. 

More information is available on the Board’s website: Please note: Some of the FI accommodation plans will require facility modifications or the development of new schools and will require short-term transition plans that might include overflow while we work toward the long-term vision. Overflow refers to situations in which the Board directs students to attend a school other than their community school or optional program for a specific period of time, as defined in Policy #108.

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