Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Inclement Weather Days for the 2020-2021 School Year

For the 2020-2021 school year, the following Inclement Weather Days Interim Procedures for Elementary and Secondary Schools will come into effect. The decision to declare an Inclement Weather day will be made by the Director of Education, or Designate in consultation with appropriate staff. Staff will closely monitor the weather conditions and provide regular updates to the Director of Education, or Designate. The Director of Education or Designate is the only Board representative who may officially close a school for extreme circumstances. This year, due to the COVID-19 global pandemic, our Inclement Weather Day Procedure has been adjusted based on direction from York Region Public Health. As per the IW Day Procedure #152.2, in the event school bus transportation is cancelled: 

• All Face-to-Face (F2F) elementary and secondary schools will be closed to students. 

• All student learning will be remote. 

• Before & After programs (YMCA) will not run. 

• Child Care Centres may remain open at the discretion of the operator. 

• Student attendance will be recorded centrally.

Please be advised that when an IW Day is announced:  information is communicated through: local media outlets, the Student Transportation Services website, School Transportation Hotline: 1-877-330- 3001, the Board’s website and Twitter account and on the Board and school’s voicemail recording. Please make sure to have alternate child care arrangements planned for IW days when schools are closed to students.

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