Wednesday, January 6, 2021

UPDATED - Face-to-Face Return to School Reminders & Elementary Program Model Change Information

Welcome back and Happy New Year to everyone! I hope everyone had a restful break and is ready for our learning to continue into 2021. 

A few reminders about coming back to school, please remember to: 

  1. Send you child (ren) with a mask and a few extras each day so that they are safe and are complying with YRPH. Although this is mandatory for our gr. 4-8 students, if your child (ren) are able to wear a mask it is strongly encouraged for the health and safety of everyone. 
  2. Screen your child (ren) daily for symptoms related to COVID-19 and to keep them home if they are displaying any symptoms. 
  3. Self-isolate for 14 days from the date of reentry into Canada, if you child (ren) have travelled over the break.
  4. Report student absences via Edsby or via phone call to the main office at 905-738-5497
  5. If you are considering an Elementary Program Model Change request it can ONLY be completed through the survey being sent to families between January 15, 2021 at 9 am and January 19, 2021 at 7 pm. There are NO wait lists. 
  6. Full Day Kindergarten registration begins January 15, 2021. More information to follow. 
Looking forward to seeing everyone back on Monday January 25, 2021. Please monitor your email for updates from YRDSB on the accuracy of dates during the pandemic. 

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